pet programas de recompensa


Recommend zooplus to your friends and family and get 350 zooPoints. Referrals get a 10% welcome coupon

4aPet - Love Pet Love Live

Sign up for a reward, promote on YouTube, Facebook.


Both users receive 5 credits (equivalent to $5) to use for dog walks or other services if signing up using the referral link.

Paw Points

Earn points to be used on free products for your furry little friends.


You get a full-month free, and referrer gets £10 off next month with the tails subscription.

Pet Circle

Get $10 off your order from Pet Circle with a referral code.

Fi Collar

Use a referral code when purchasing a Fi Collar.

Pet Backer

An e-voucher of TWD 120 would be given to new users who sign up with a referral link. Referring users can get TWD 40 for successful referrals.


Our members haven't found much information on PetSmart's referral program. Feel free to submit more details or clarify PetSmart offers for other members' benefit.